This e-learning shows how to increase performance in a targeted manner and thus motivate yourself in the long term. It introduces the right stamina training and shows how to stay fit through intelligent self-management and healthy nutrition. Recovery and relaxation are highlighted as central factors for improved performance. Through mental training the participants learn to avoid burnout.
Es un curso en el que se trabajan ciertas habilidades interpersonales con el objetivo de trabajar en el desarrollo personal. Un macroaprendizaje es un curso o e-learning que se completa en unos 50 minutos. El macroaprendizaje es una formación digital que fomenta el desarrollo de ciertas competencias y nos ayuda a mejorar nuestro perfil personal. Para completar la experiencia de aprendizaje que ofrece PINKTUM, los macroaprendizajes pueden combinarse con microaprendizajes de la misma temática.
High-performance employees who tend to take on too much and lose sight of a holistic lifestyle
Knowing your own potential
Knowing the basic rules of self-motivation
Using systematic endurance and muscle training
Knowing the basics of healthy nutrition
Using self-management methods
Being able to prevent burnout
Applying mental training